Interface ModelObjectsSearch<T extends ModelEntity>

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<T>, IterableWithSize<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ModelObjectsSearch<T extends ModelEntity> extends IterableWithSize<T>
This interface acts both as the builder for Lucene searches and the iterable of the results. It can be used like the following: for(WorkItem wi: transaction.workItems().search().query("my query")){... The iterator never returns null values. All search parameters, specified by using methods like query(String), are optional. Special caching is in place (historical-queries-sizes in EHCache) for the object count that matches historical queries, (where the baseline revision is not null), so calling only IterableWithSize.size() in these cases is much faster than iterating over the items.
  • Method Details

    • query

      @NotNull ModelObjectsSearch<T> query(@Nullable String query)
      Lucene query. Only the last value is used when the method is called more than once.
    • sort

      @NotNull ModelObjectsSearch<T> sort(@Nullable String sort)
      Lucene sort string, null sorts by relevance. Only the last value is used when the method is called more than once.
    • baseline

      @NotNull ModelObjectsSearch<T> baseline(@Nullable String revision)
      Revision of the baseline that the search should be executed for. Only the last value is used when the method is called more than once.
    • limit

      @NotNull ModelObjectsSearch<T> limit(int limit)
      The maximum number of items to be returned, -1 for unlimited. Only the last value is used when the method is called more than once.
    • offset

      @NotNull ModelObjectsSearch<T> offset(int offset)
      The number of first items to exclude from the result list. If the offset exceeds the total number of objects, an empty list is returned. Only the last value is used when the method is called more than once.