Class PageCustomNames


public class PageCustomNames extends Object
Enables the possibility to set up a custom filename for the result of a PDF export. Different names can be specified for different object types. The custom filename must be placed within a tag that represents its object type (PageCustomNames.ExportObjectType), otherwise it will not be used. The filename can make use of certain supported variables.

Example of how to define custom names for Documents and Rich Pages together with variables:

There is also an option to define a custom space replacement for spaces in case they are not wanted in filenames, since some variables may return values containing them. You can use the attribute "spaceReplacement" in the "filename" tag and add one or more characters that will replace each of the spaces encountered in the processed filenames. You can also override the "spaceReplacement" value in "filename" by a "spaceReplacement" value defined in a specific object tag:

 <filename spaceReplacement="_">
     <document spaceReplacement="-">my_requirements_$[updatedBy]</document>