Interface PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.Attributes

Enclosing interface:

public static interface PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.Attributes
  • Method Details

    • referencePath

      @NotNull String referencePath()
      The attribute that specifies if a tag should have the Properties Sidebar associated on click.
      The value of this attribute should be the path of the model object which should be loaded in the Properties Sidebar.
      Currently, only Work Items are supported.
      For Work Items this path is "project id/workitem id"
    • highlightingCssClass

      @NotNull String highlightingCssClass()
      The css class that controls the tag's highlighting when it is clicked and the Properties Sidebar is open.
    • clickableCssClass

      @NotNull String clickableCssClass()
      The css class that controls the styles related to how the tag looks before clicked.
    • fieldsConfigurationKey

      @NotNull String fieldsConfigurationKey()
      The attribute used to determine which list of fields will be displayed for that object. See PropertiesSidebarConfiguration.fieldsConfiguration(java.util.Map)}