Interface PropertiesSidebarConfiguration

public interface PropertiesSidebarConfiguration
Configuration to associate part or all of the widget with the Properties Sidebar.
Currently, this sidebar only supports Work Items.
  • Method Details

    • containerId

      @NotNull PropertiesSidebarConfiguration containerId(@NotNull String id)
      Sets the ID of the configured container. Will be used for the identification of elements inside the widget section.
    • fieldIds

      @NotNull PropertiesSidebarConfiguration fieldIds(@NotNull List<String> fieldIds)
      Sets the list of fields that will be shown in the Properties Sidebar. This list will be the same for all items across the widget (or widget section).
      fieldIds - to be shown in the sidebar.
    • fieldsConfiguration

      @NotNull PropertiesSidebarConfiguration fieldsConfiguration(@NotNull Map<String,List<String>> fieldsConfiguration)
      This method allows you to set up a configuration to display different fields in the sidebar for different items.
      The map keys are values for the items groups. Each item can be marked as belonging to a certain group, by using PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.ReferenceTagConfiguration.fieldsConfigurationKey(String)
      The values are lists of field IDs that should be displayed in the sidebar.
      For example: Given the fieldConfiguration parameter as the map {"card":["severity", "status"], "swimlane":["author", "status"]"}, for all the Work Items rendered with PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.ReferenceTagConfiguration#fieldsConfigurationKey("card"), the fields shown in the sidebar will be "severity" and "status" and for all the Work Items rendered with PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.ReferenceTagConfiguration#fieldsConfigurationKey("swimlane") the fields shown in the sidebar will be "author" and "status"
      fieldsConfiguration - The configuration for deciding which fields are displayed in the sidebar, based on the item itself.
    • addTo

      @NotNull PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer addTo(@NotNull HtmlFragmentBuilder fragmentBuilder)
      Prepares the Java script configuration and adds it to the given HtmlFragmentBuilder.
      This method creates a child container, that should later be used to store the widget's content.
      This container is accessible through PropertiesSidebarConfiguredContainer.htmlTagBuilder().
      If the ID of the new container is not specified with containerId(String), it will be generated.
      Field configuration is expected, either specified with fieldIds(List) or with fieldsConfiguration(Map). If there is a configuration map specified with fieldsConfiguration(Map), then that will be used.
      fragmentBuilder - which will be configured to have the Properties Sidebar.