Interface PlanWorkItems

All Superinterfaces:
Iterable<WorkItem>, IterableWithSize<WorkItem>
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface PlanWorkItems extends IterableWithSize<WorkItem>
  • Method Details

    • ordered

      @NotNull IterableWithSize<WorkItem> ordered()
      Returns contained work items in the order that respects 'Prioritization Field'. The iterator never returns null value.
    • resolvable

      @NotNull IterableWithSize<WorkItem> resolvable()
      Returns items from the plan which still exist. The iterator never returns null value.
    • plannedEstimateFor

      @Nullable Float plannedEstimateFor(@NotNull WorkItem item)
      Returns the planned estimate value for the given Work Item in this Plan - it is based on value of some field of the given work item depending on the configuration of this Plan. Default estimate value is returned when the given Work Item field is empty. Returned null value means that the given Work Item is not allowed in this Plan because of it's type and scope depending on the configuration of this Plan (headings are never allowed).